We seek to help landlords maximise their return on investment, and we help tenants get a fair deal.
Our team of surveyors and valuers are based in Central London. We provide invaluable commercial survey advice for landlords and tenants throughout London and outwards, to all areas within the M25.
Rent reviews, dilapidations reporting and Valuation advice.
Our surveyors and valuers can assist landlords and tenants in a wide range of circumstances. Do you need help with any of the following?
Rent Reviews
Are you achieving the correct rent? Is the rent you’re paying appropriate? It is important that the parties to a Rent review are properly advised, whether landlord or tenant. Our independent professional service will make sure that you know exactly where you stand.
We are able to advise lenders on the suitability of commercial property as a loan security.
We are able to advise freehold investors on the reasonableness of their proposed purchase, both in terms of the purchase price and rental income.
We are able to advise in-going tenants on the reasonableness of asking rents
Our services cover essentials such as rent reviews, valuations for secured lending, pre-lease condition reports and much more.
Dilapidation reports
A tenancy agreement often includes an obligation on a tenant to keep a premises in a defined standard of repair. Landlords can serve a Schedule of Dilapidations on a tenant, usually at the end of their tenancy, and this identifies any areas where the Tenant is deemed to have failed to meet the repairs obligation. The Schedule itemises the areas where a tenant is required to reinstate the premises within a specific period or agree to a payment in lieu. The Law of Dilapidations in complicated and it is important that both parties are correctly advised.
Friend and Falcke is able to assist in the preparation of Schedules and the subsequent negotiations required to bring about a settlement.
Condition assessments pre-letting
Property Condition assessments of any outstanding dilapidations can be carried out before a tenant takes on an existing or new lease. These reports enable a tenant to budget for the cost of works required to put the property into repair to meet the obligations under the lease and ensure that the required premium or rent adequately reflects this liability.
Friend and Falcke has both Building Surveyors and Valuers to give this advice.